[BNV18] Current multiblock methods : competition or complementarity? A comparative study in a unified framework
Conférence Nationale avec comité de lecture :
Agrostat 2018, 12emes journees du groupe Agro-Industrie SFDS 14-16 Mars 2018,
March 2018,
Mots clés: Component methods, Structural Equation, Path-modelling, Multiblock methods.
We address the issue of exploring and/or predicting the relationships between several blocks of variables measured on the same observations with multiblock methods. These methods have been developed over the past twenty years, and are now used more and more frequently, especially for high-dimensional datasets. Since they consider different criteria as well as different vision of multiblock analysis, it is important to clarify what they can or cannot achieve. We focus on three currently available methods: regularized Generalized Structured Component Analysis, (rGSCA) regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (rGCCA) and THEmatic Model Exploration/Estimation (THEME). We propose to originally rewrite and compare these methods with intent to bring recommendations to users.