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[BCK05] On the Equivalence between Deadlock Freeness and Liveness in Petri NetsConférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : ICATPN'05, 26th Int. Conf. on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Miami, USA, January 2005, pp.90-107, Series LNCS,
This paper deals with the structure theory of Petri nets. We define the class of P/T systems namely K-systems for which the equivalence between controlled-siphon property (cs property), deadlock freeness, and liveness holds. Using the new structural notions of ordered transitions and root places, we revisit the non liveness characterization of P/T systems satisfying the cs property and we define by syntactical manner new and more expressive subclasses of K-systems where the interplay between conflict and synchronization is relaxed.
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