
[ASH15] Norme ETSI EG 202 009-3: "User Group; Quality of telecom services; Part 3: Template for Service Level Agreements (SLA)", V1.2.1

Brevet et Normes : Date de dépôt: 01 July 2015 , Organisme: "ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)" , N° de brevet: EG 202 009-3, Nb page 1-23, France

Mots clés: Quality of telecom services, Service Level Agreements

Résumé: The present document was written to make available to the providers and users of any kind of ICT services a common basis for mutual understanding about SLA. It aims to establish adequacy between the user's requirements in terms of Service Level Objectives (SLO) and the providers' offer with the associated QoS.

Equipe: mim
Collaboration: Télécom ParisTech ,


@misc {
title ="{Norme ETSI EG 202 009-3: "User Group; Quality of telecom services; Part 3: Template for Service Level Agreements (SLA)", V1.2.1}",
author ="{ T. Aubonnet and N. Simoni and P. Hebert }",
patentnum ="{EG 202 009-3}",
date ="{2015-07-01}",
country ="{France}",
page ="{1-23}",