[ABSe09] Towards a Disciplined Engineering of Adaptive Service-oriented Business Processes
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
ICIW'09, 4th IEEE International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Venice/Mestre, Italy,
January 2009,
Series IEEE,
TodayÂ’s cross-organizations are increasingly coordinating their capabilities
in the quest of dynamically adaptable and thus highly competitive
realistic services. Unfortunately, challenging problems are
still to circumvent towards such objective, including the inherent
rigidity, knowledge-scarce and lack of dependability of most Web-
Services standards (e.g. WSDL, BPEL and WS-CDL). We are contributing
by putting forwards an integrated model-driven approach,
with as main conceptual / deployment milestones and phases the followings.
Firstly, at the domain-level, we are bringing profiled UML
use-cases and class-diagrams to intuitively capture the structuring
of service-driven applications. Secondly, to cope with any required
knowledge and its agility, we are governing any business activity
with event-driven business rules. Thirdly, towards verified conceptualization,
we are shifting these UML-BRules-centric service requirements
towards a tailored rule-centric service-oriented Petri nets
formalism, we endow with a truly-distributed operational semantics
based on rewriting logic. Fourthly, capitalizing on aspect-oriented
mechanisms, we progressively upgrade that service formalism with
an adaptability aspectual-level, where governing business rules can
be dynamically adapted and (un)woven. Finally, towards a compliant
deployment, we are developing an aspectual .Net framework for
efficiently adapting Web-Services. A typical travel-agency is taken
for proof of concepts.