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[AB11] A Performability Analysis of Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with Probabilistic Model CheckingConférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : The 7th IEEE co-sponsored international conference on Wireless Advanced, Center for Telecommunication Research, King’s College (Strand Campus), June 2011, pp.25-34, London, United Kingdom,Mots clés: Wireless sensor network, performability, probabilistic model checking, stochastic Ï€-calculus, PRISM
This article presents a method to check the performability of mobile wireless sensor networks. After introducing this method based on formal methods, we apply it to check the performability of an application in a hospital context. A pilot application was deployed to check its properties. We propose to model some aspects of its specifications before checking them. We use a process calculus suitable for reliability and performance modelling of mobile systems. These models are then translated into the language of PRISM, a probabilistic model checker which enables checking of considered properties.