In brief
Philippe Rigaux.
Prof. des Universités - CNAM
firstName dot lastName / cnam.fr
Office: 2 rue Conté, 37-1-41
I am a full professor in Computer Science at CNAM , an academic institution devoted in lifelong learning.
Since september 2010, I am salso scientific director of Internet Memory Research a startup specialized in Web data harvesting, storage and analysis at large scale. More…
Books and on-line academic supports
I wrote many books. The last one, published by Cambridge University Press, is Web Data Management. written with great co-authors from the WebDam project.
I started to publish all my course materials at http://www.bdpedia.fr. Have a look!
Music Score Library
Neuma is a Digital Library for musical scores, providing content-based services: score production, annotation, search by content. Neuma has been initally funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) for three years (2008-2011) and is now hosted by the HumaNum infrastructure. More…
Cette page est consacrée au cours NFE 204 du Cnam. L'essentiel du contenu enseigné dans le cours est disponible sur le site BDPedia.
Documents complémentaires
Travaux pratiques
Les exposés (à venir)