Spatial Databases : Technologies, Techniques and Trends, chapter ``Management of Large Moving Objects Data Sets : Indexing, Benchmarking and Uncertainty in Movement Representation''(abstract)

We propose a chapter devoted to the extensions of traditional database techniques toward the management of large sets of moving objects. The chapter will consist first of an introduction to new applications that require the manipulation of both spatial and temporal aspects of objects, along with detailed explanations on the new challenges raised by these applications under a database perspective. We shall then develop the presentation of some recent solutions to these challenges, while insisting on new, specific problems raised by the particular features of objects (e.g., query processing is strongly impacted by the need to manage continuous queries over objects whose position is intensively updated).
Since the intended audience is not ncessarily composed of database experts, we propose to organize the presentation according to the following principles:
We tried to design a content which permits to present in a consistent way a panorama of the main trends of current research devoted to moving objects management (see the details in the following). A last section will cover, in the form of bibliographic notes, research issues which seem less central (at least under the traditional RDB perspective).

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