OntoSemStats Ontology

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Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Classes
  3. Object Properties
  4. Data Properties
  5. Annotation Properties
  6. Namespace Declarations


An ontology to capture the use of OWL 2 semantics in RDF knowledge graphs


assertionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#Assertion

has super-classes
has sub-classes
owl all differentc, owl different fromc, owl negative property assertionc, owl same asc, rdf typec

axiomc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#Axiom

has super-classes
semantic featurec
has sub-classes
assertionc, class expressionc, property axiomc

boolean connectivec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#BooleanConnective

has super-classes
has sub-classes
owl complement ofc, owl intersection ofc, owl union ofc

classc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#Class

has super-classes
semantic featurec
has sub-classes
boolean connectivec, individual enumerationc, property restrictionc

class expressionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#ClassExpression

has super-classes
has sub-classes
owl all disjoint classesc, owl disjoint union ofc, owl disjoint withc, owl equivalent classc, rdfs sub class ofc

data rangec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#DataRange

has super-classes
semantic featurec
has sub-classes
owl datatype complement ofc, owl with restrictionsc

individual enumerationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#IndividualEnumeration

has super-classes
has sub-classes
owl one ofc

owl all differentc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlAllDifferent

has super-classes

owl all disjoint classesc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlAllDisjointClasses

has super-classes
class expressionc

owl all disjoint propertiesc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlAllDisjointProperties

has super-classes
property relationc

owl all values fromc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlAllValuesFrom

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl asymmetric propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlAsymmetricProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl complement ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlComplementOf

has super-classes
boolean connectivec

owl datatype complement ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlDatatypeComplementOf

has super-classes
data rangec

owl different fromc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlDifferentFrom

has super-classes

owl disjoint union ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlDisjointUnionOf

has super-classes
class expressionc

owl disjoint withc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlDisjointWith

has super-classes
class expressionc

owl equivalent classc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlEquivalentClass

has super-classes
class expressionc

owl equivalent propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlEquivalentProperty

has super-classes
property relationc

owl functional propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlFunctionalProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl has selfc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlHasSelf

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl has valuec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlHasValue

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl intersection ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlIntersectionOf

has super-classes
boolean connectivec

owl inverse functional propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlInverseFunctionalProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl inverse ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlInverseOf

has super-classes
property relationc

owl irreflexive propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlIrreflexiveProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl max cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlMaxCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl max qualified cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlMaxQualifiedCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl min cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlMinCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl min qualified cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlMinQualifiedCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl negative property assertionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlNegativePropertyAssertion

has super-classes

owl one ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlOneOf

has super-classes
individual enumerationc

owl property chain axiomc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlPropertyChainAxiom

has super-classes
property relationc

owl property disjoint withc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlPropertyDisjointWith

has super-classes
property relationc

owl qualified cardinalityc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlQualifiedCardinality

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl reflexive propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlReflexiveProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl same asc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlSameAs

has super-classes

owl some values fromc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlSomeValuesFrom

has super-classes
property restrictionc

owl symmetric propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlSymmetricProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl transitive propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlTransitiveProperty

has super-classes
property typec

owl union ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlUnionOf

has super-classes
boolean connectivec

owl with restrictionsc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#OwlWithRestrictions

has super-classes
data rangec

property axiomc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#PropertyAxiom

has super-classes
has sub-classes
property relationc, property signaturec, property typec

property relationc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#PropertyRelation

has super-classes
property axiomc
has sub-classes
owl all disjoint propertiesc, owl equivalent propertyc, owl inverse ofc, owl property chain axiomc, owl property disjoint withc, rdfs sub propertyc

property restrictionc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#PropertyRestriction

has super-classes
has sub-classes
owl all values fromc, owl cardinalityc, owl has selfc, owl has valuec, owl max cardinalityc, owl max qualified cardinalityc, owl min cardinalityc, owl min qualified cardinalityc, owl qualified cardinalityc, owl some values fromc

property signaturec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#PropertySignature

has super-classes
property axiomc
has sub-classes
rdfs domainc, rdfs rangec

property typec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#PropertyType

has super-classes
property axiomc
has sub-classes
owl asymmetric propertyc, owl functional propertyc, owl inverse functional propertyc, owl irreflexive propertyc, owl reflexive propertyc, owl symmetric propertyc, owl transitive propertyc

rdf typec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#RdfType

has super-classes

rdfs domainc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#RdfsDomain

has super-classes
property signaturec

rdfs rangec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#RdfsRange

has super-classes
property signaturec

rdfs sub class ofc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#RdfsSubClassOf

has super-classes
class expressionc

rdfs sub propertyc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#RdfsSubProperty

has super-classes
property relationc

semantic featurec back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#SemanticFeature

has sub-classes
axiomc, classc, data rangec
is in range of
has semantic featureop

statc back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#Stat

is equivalent to
has semantic featureop exactly 1 semantic featurec
is in domain of
definition countdp, has semantic featureop, usage countdp
is in range of
has statop

Object Properties

has semantic featureop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#hasSemanticFeature

Specify which OWL 2 or RDFS semantic feature is the target of the given stat.

has characteristics: functional, asymmetric, irreflexive

has domain
has range
semantic featurec

has statop back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#hasStat

Add a statistic to a void:Dataset.

has characteristics: asymmetric, irreflexive

has domain
has range

Data Properties

definition countdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#definitionCount

Number of definition of a semantic feature.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range

usage countdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: http://cedric.cnam.fr/isid/ontologies/OntoSemStats.owl#usageCount

Number of usage of a semantic feature.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range

Annotation Properties

contributorap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor

creatorap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator

licenseap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://creativecommons.org/ns#license

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.