
[PPR19] Critical Vertices and Edges in H-free Graphs

Revue Internationale avec comité de lecture : Journal Discrete Applied Math. , vol. 257, pp. 361-367, 2019, (doi:

Mots clés: edge contraction, vertex deletion, chromatic number

Résumé: A vertex or edge in a graph is critical if its deletion reduces the chromatic number of the graph by one. We consider the problems of deciding whether a graph has a critical vertex or edge, respectively. We give a complexity dichotomy for both problems restricted to H-free graphs, that is, graphs with no induced subgraph isomorphic to H. Moreover, we show that an edge is critical if and only if its contraction reduces the chromatic number by one. Hence, we also obtain a complexity dichotomy for the problem of deciding if a graph has an edge whose contraction reduces the chromatic number by one.


@article {
title="{Critical Vertices and Edges in H-free Graphs}",
author="C. Picouleau and D. Paulusma and B. ries",
journal="Discrete Applied Math. ",