
[MR10] On the bridge between combinatorial optimization and nonlinear optimization: new semidefinite bounds for 0-1 quadratic problems leading to Newton methods

Rapport Scientifique : Date de dépot: 2010/01/01, (Tech. Rep.: CEDRIC-10-1924)
Résumé: This paper presents new semidefinite programming bounds for 0-1 quadratic problems with linear or quadratic constraints. These bounds are obtained by Lagrangian duality and convex optimization; and they have interesting numerical features: the tightness is improved by Newton-like method, and the final accuracy level is controlled by real parameter acting like a cursor. This gives ways to trade computing time for a (small) deterioration of the quality of the usual semidefinite bounds, in view of enhancing this efficiency in exact resolution schemes. The numerical properties are illustrated on standard test-problems (unconstrained 0-1 quadratic problems, heaviest k-subgraphs problems, and graph bisection problems). Extensive comparisons with usual bounds (obtained by linear, quadratic or semidefinite programming) are provided on those problems.

Commentaires: Soumis

Collaboration: LIPN


@techreport {
title="{On the bridge between combinatorial optimization and nonlinear optimization: new semidefinite bounds for 0-1 quadratic problems leading to Newton methods}",
author="J. Malick and F. Roupin",
institution="{CEDRIC laboratory, CNAM-Paris, France}",