
[BFG04] Semantics for UML specifications to be validated by Agatha

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : Second Europeen Congress on Embedded Realtime Software (ERTS 04)., January 2004,
Résumé: UML is a modelling language more and more used. However its semantics is not formally defined which arises some problems. These have to be solved when we want to connect some automatic tools as, for example, automatic test generator. Besides the emergence of component notion brings a new research area in the domain of incremental conception and validation. In a first part, we define a formal semantics for a UML sub-set: this definition allows us to easily derivate a translator compatible with AGATHA, which is an automatic test generator tool. In a second part, we present our current work which takes into account the component notion and uses compositionality properties in the validation domain.


@inproceedings {
title="{ Semantics for UML specifications to be validated by Agatha}",
author=" C. Bigot and A. Faivre and J. Gallois and M. Aponte and V. Viguie Donzeau-Gouge ",
booktitle="{Second Europeen Congress on Embedded Realtime Software (ERTS 04).}",