
Dorice Nyamy




    Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture

  • [UEN08] P. Urien, S. Elrharbi, D. Nyamy, H. Chabanne, T. Icart, C. Pépin, M. Bouet, D. De O. Cunha, V. Guyot, P. Krz. "HIP-Tags, a new paradigm for the Internet Of Things", January 2008,
  • [NEU08a] D. Nyamy, S. Elrharbi, P. Urien, H. Chabanne, T. Icart, C. Pépin, M. Bouet, D. Cunha, V. Guyot, G. Pujolle, J. Susini. "HIP Tags Privacy Architecture", ICSNC'08 3rd Int. Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications Sliema, Malta, January 2008, pp.179-184,